Friday, May 6, 2011

2011 CSA shares

For anyone still interested in joining, it's not too late! However, our shares are quickly filling up.  We plan on taking new members up until the season starts in early June, space depending - So be sure to get your name in before then:
or stop by the Brookings farmer's market and talk to one of us!
young onions

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Springtime makes for busy chicks

April showers bring . . . worms! and other fun things living in the ground for our chickens to root out and snack on.

Meet the flock:
Cogburn, The Enforcer
Eve, baby of the family
Jude, aka Broody Judy

Henrietta and Georgette, Golden Girls
Our lovely hens give us four eggs each and every day - two brown and two green -  and we are so grateful, we let them freely scratch around outside in the yard (when the dogs are securely inside the house).  Two dozen eggs per week is just about enough to satisfy our baking needs!  This summer, we'll use these eggs in cookies and other baked goods we bring to sell at the farmer's market.  Someday we'd like to be able to sell the eggs, too; so this spring we'll be raising another handful of baby chicks (just as we did last spring), gradually adding to the flock until we've reached our optimum number.  In the meantime, we just enjoy their bounty and their peculiarities!